What's in your phone?

Get out your cellphone and check off all the items below that are true for you!
    You don't have a smart phone!
    This event website is bookmarked or saved on your phone
    You have 3 or more social networking apps installed (Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
    Your battery is 10% or lower
    You have a picture of the guest of honor saved on your phone
    You have at least one restaurant saved in your contacts list
    Your background is a picture of your pet
    Your most recent text is from a member of your family.
    Your ring tone is a song
    You have a screen protector on your phone
    One of the last 5 photos you took was of food
    You have at least 1 alarm set
    You have a case on your phone
    One of your last 5 photos is a selfie
    Your battery life is 50% or higher
    You have a name in your contacts list that starts with a X, Y, or Z

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Web Party Time